:: Instructions for authors


World Essays Journal (WEJ) is published monthly. The journal publishes the results of scientific research and other information in English with the following conditions,assuming that they have not already been published:

 1- The manuscript should be written as a Word file in A4 format page with “Arial” font,one and a 2 spaced with all 3 cm margins.

2- The manuscript should have the following sequence: Title (font: 14 pt,bold),Author’s Name(s) (font 12 pt,bold),Postal and e-mail address of the author(s) (font: 10 pt,italics),English (font,11 pt),Key words (font,11 pt),Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,Discussion,Acknowledgments,References (all with font,12 pt).

Note for foreign authors:

3- The title page of the manuscript should have the title,the authors’ full names with their respective affiliations,the addresses of the institutions at which work was carried out together with the full postal and email address,plus facsimile and telephone number of the correspondence author (names and addresses not separated),and any necessary footnotes.

4- The title must be clear,concise,and informative of the paper. Please limit the title to 15 words. The authors’ addresses must be the institution(s) where the work was done. All authors’ present addresses,if different,should be footnoted along with their e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers. The corresponding author must be indicated in a footnote.

5- The abstract should be easy to understand and not require reference to the body of the paper. Only very important results should be presented numerically in the abstract; it must not contain any abbreviations or statistical details. The abstract should not exceed 15 lines.

6- Authors should provide at least 3 to 6 keywords,after the abstract.

7- Authors of scientific names should not be included in the title and abstract,but the order and family should be indicated in parentheses.

8- A brief Introduction should provide the reader with an understanding of the context,significance,and objective(s) of the study.

9- Materials and methods include research instructions and statistical analysis It should be described at length if they are original. If they are already known,only the reference of the published description must be given.

10- Results section should summarize the principal findings and the logic used in reaching them. The Discussion should emphasize overall conclusions,making a clear distinction between those supported by the data and those that are merely suggested by them. If deemed more appropriate,the Results and discussion may be combined under one heading.

11- Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals,have a brief,but self-explanatory title,and be referred to in the text. Tables must be after the reference list. Title of each table must be written on top of it.

12- Figures,Photographs and drawings must be original and have no less than 300 dpi resolution. Title of each figure must be written at the bottom.

13- The contribution of colleagues or institutions,also source of financial grants and other funding should be acknowledged,as brief as possible.

14- Each reference must be cited in the text. References (in according with alphabetical) order should be set in out as follows using the generally accepted abbreviations for the names of periodicals:

14-1- Articles:

Meyerdirk,D.E. &Hessein,N.A. 1985. Population dynamics of the beet leafhopper,Circulifer tenellus (Baker),and associated Empoasca spp. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and their egg parasitoids on sugar beets in southern California. Journal of Economic Entomology, 78: 346–353.

14-2- Books:

Zelditch,M.,Swiderski,D.,Sheets,D. & Fink,W. L. 2004. Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists: A Primer. Academic Press,London,UK.

14-3- Chapter in a book:

Mound,L. A. 1973. Thrips and whitefly,pp. 229-242,In: Gibbs,A. J. (Ed.) Viruses and Invertebrates. North-Holland Publishing Company.

14-4- theses or dissertations:

Latifian,M. 1998.Bioecolgy and Geographical Distribution of a Dominaut Grape Leafhopper Species in Isfahan Province. M.Sc. Thesis,Isfahan University of Technology,Isfahan,Iran.

14-5- Internet resources:

Broad,G. R. 2005. Checklist of British and Irish Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Biological Records Centre,Monks Wood,Huntingdon,UK. Available from URL: http://www.brc.ac.uk/downloads/Ichneumonidae_checklist.pdf (accessed 1 April 2005)

14-6- Paper in conference proceedings:

Ridout,C.J.,& Brown,J.K.M. 1996. Fine-scale mapping of the avirulence gene Avra12 in the barley pathogen Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei. Proceedings of the 9th European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Conference,2–6 Sept. 1996,Lunteren,Netherlands. European and Mediterranean Cereal Rust Foundation,Wageningen,p. 66.

14-7- Each reference must be cited in the text using the surnames of the authors and the year; if there are three or more authors,the name of the first author is followed by “et al”. Depending on the sentence construction,the names may or may not be in parentheses,but the year always is; e.g.,Green & Brown (1981) or (Green et al., 1969). Multiple references in the text are placed in alphabetical order,e.g.,(Abbott,1975; Green et al.,1961,2000).

14-8- The term "Anonymous" should not be used.

14-9- If a reference is published in a non-English language,it must be mentioned at the end of the reference,e.g.,(in Persian with English abstract).

15- All biological and chemical terms used should follow current international nomenclature. All scientific names must be written in Italic format. The first mention of a plant or animal name should include the full scientific name including the authority and the generic name should be abbreviated to an initial in subsequent references except at the start of sentences.

16- All measurement specifications must follow the SI system.

Journal Info

Editor in chief: 
Professor Noradin Ghadimi
Abbreviated key title: World Essays J
ISSN (Print): 2310-8509
ISSN (online): 2310-1377
Periodicity: Quarterly
Publisher: Science Explorer Publications


World Essays Journal is licensed under a
"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)"


The journal is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the industry,professionals in academia,former researchers and MSc,PhD students and other specialists interested in the of scientific research in Basic and applied sciences.